Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Super Bowl Media Day

It happens every Tuesday before the Super Bowl. Thousands of media outlets from all over the world congregate on the gridiron to ask every question under the sun. It's called Media Day at the Super Bowl, or for Bill Belchick "The Worst Day of the Year." Every player from each of the two teams is asked a barrage of questions, some having to do with football others not. For example Coach Belichick was asked what he eats late at night during film sessions? To which he replied, "Anything with salt." Tom Brady was asked by a female reporter, "Would she marry him?" (Watch it here). Media Day does nothing more than provoke controversy and let us hear the answers to the same questions that have been asked all year. But with sites like streaming the video live, Media Day has taken on a whole new audience. It used to be that people would only hear about what was said at Media Day after they returned home from work or school, now with live video on all the time, people can pick it up instantly. If a player says something memorable or even worse, something terrible, a lot of people see it live. For those that don't, well I am sure that people that did will post the video on the internet shortly after the moment occurs. Media Day now becomes a huge deal to the players because instead of just being watched by the couple hundred or thousand reporters at any one given time, they can be watched by millions. Welcome to the Super Bowl in the 21st century. Enjoy.

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